Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 3: First Habitat Build!

We all left the church in Charleston and shuttled to the Habitat site early in the morning. I was in the back with Laini and Rachael and we were pretty giggly....cracking jokes left and right. Humor always makes the mornings more bearable.

Ebony was our homeowner and she would be living in her home with her eight year old son. Some people built a fence in her backyard because there was a gator in the pond behind the house! I was put on duty to level out the yard. Melanie, Emma, Nyx, Eliza and I got pretty dirty digging through all the dirt and sand! I'm not going to lie, Melanie and I were bosses at leveling out, and it was really great bonding time.

After we finished, I moved on the cement duty with Marcus and Chris. I had to put on Men's size 11 rain boots to protect my legs. Since the shoes were so big, I ended up getting stuck in the wet cement so I fell into it. Turns out I'm allergic to the chemicals in cement. I turned green and got a rash. The chemicals ate at my skin so now it looks like road rash. 

We went back to the showers at the Citadel. This time I forgot about all of my shower stuff. So I was the first one out because there isn't much you can do without any shampoo, soap or towel. 

One of the things I'm so thankful for is the host. Pastor Dan and all of the people  Trinity United Methodist are so kind for everything they did for us. Pastor Dan was super engaged in our mission so he biked and built with us. His son and him also memorized all of our names and states which was awesome! He got the whole group tickets to the minor league baseball team: the RIVERDOGS!

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